Mindfulness Reflecting The EYLF V2.0
This title has been updated to Reflect The EYLF V2.0
Mindfulness can be described as the art of being present in the moment, where a person is able to connect with their body and mind and become aware of emotions, thoughts and feelings. When mindfulness becomes an active part of an Educators toolbox, they will begin to notice that it can be applied to every interaction and therefore connected to all parts of their program, practices and the EYLF.
We have included a range of mindful experiences in the book to cater for children with a variety of personalities, temperaments, interests and activity levels. It comes with accompanying downloads including bingo cards, song lyrics, recipes, affirmation cards, scavenger hunt printouts and more. You will also receive word and pdf copies of mindfulness resources including a mindfulness audit, display charts for Educator and child areas as well as family and community input forms.
For this book Curriculum Kids has collaborated with mindfulness experts at My Calm Corner. This small Australian business is run by Jasmin Forrest and Alexandra Davison who are two dedicated mothers and professionals in Social Work and Early Childhood Development. My Calm Corner was created from their passion for the connection between mindfulness, play and learning. Their valuable input to this resource will further support and inspire Educators who may be beginning their journey into mindfulness.
Features of this book include:
- Creating a mindful learning environment
- Indigenous perspectives
- Ideas for reflection
- Proposed modifications and extensions
- Ideas for reflection
- Possible links to the EYLF outcomes
- Experience photographs
- Mindfulness audit and reflection tools
- Ideas for family input
- Educator resources
ISBN: 978-0-9943906-1-5
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: September 2022
Country Of Origin: Australia
Size: A4
Weight: 290g
Pages: 53
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